A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 1107

Next, Lin Ziming accompanied Chu Fei for another two hours, after which he left the central hospital.
For these two hours, Chu Fei kept hiding herself, not daring to show it to Lin Ziming. It wasn’t until Chu Fei left the ward that she showed her face, sighed for a long time, and a smile appeared on her face. Seems to be satisfied, calm.
After Lin Ziming left the central hospital, he immediately called Xuanyuan three places.
When Sun Liang received his call, he jumped up and said sharply: “Instructor Lin, thank goodness, you finally called me!!!”
His voice was loud and excited. Lin Ziming was shocked. He thought he had caused something. He quickly asked, “Chu Sun, what’s the matter? During my retreat, what happened? ?”
“Yes! Something happened! Something happened!!” Sun Liang said loudly.
When Lin Ziming heard this, he snorted heavily in his heart, thinking of a bad premonition, he hurriedly said: “Could it be the Colorful Origin Fruit, which has matured in advance?!”
Lin Ziming’s eyes were as wide as a copper bell, and his breathing was rapid. If the original fruit of the wizard has matured and is picked, then his efforts will fall short, and all hope will be lost! This is not something he can accept!
Sun Liang was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect Lin Ziming’s reaction to be so big, and he still said this sentence.
He hurriedly said: “There is no such thing, but the Colorful Origin Fruit does not mature in advance.”
After Lin Ziming listened, his tight nerves suddenly relaxed!
Fortunately, Qi Cai Yuan Guo did not mature early, otherwise he would really collapse.
“That’s good, that’s good…” Lin Ziming said.
Sun Liang said, “No, something has happened, you have something wrong!”
Lin Ziming was a little surprised by these words. He was so apt. What happened?
Suddenly, Lin Ziming’s inspiration flashed, thinking of something, he said: “Is Zhong Tao troubled me?”
Lin Ziming’s reaction was not unpleasant. He just turned around for a while, and he wanted to understand that the Qi Cai origin fruit did not mature in advance, and it could make Sun Liang so nervous. There is only one possibility. Zhong Tao at Xuanyuan No. 2 has already determined. In order to gain his identity, he went to three places in Xuanyuan to seek revenge.
Sure enough, Sun Liang said on the phone: “You know too! I said instructor Lin, you are also a wise man, how did you kill Zhong Tao’s brother-in-law? Now Zhong Tao wants you to pay for it, even Xuanyuan San You can’t be saved! Zhong Tao is an extremely strong person in the fourth stage of the Innate Realm, and he is on the same level as Chief Peng, and he has many apprentices, and it will consume you!”
Lin Ziming was scared, but instead laughed and said, “Is that the only thing? What a big thing I thought.”
When Sun Liang heard that Lin Ziming could still laugh, he was speechless.
Next, Lin Ziming didn’t chat with Sun Liang for too long, so he went back to Xuanyuan three places first.

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