I've Got a Super Rich Dad

Chapter: 857

After saying this, Ning Kun looked at Sally and nodded and exited the office, leaving only Jiang Hao and Sally in the room.
After the two sat in silence for a while, Jiang Hao suddenly said, “When did you say you are going to Chujiang?”
Sally looked at Jiang Hao quietly and shook her head: “The order from Chu Jiang was three days ago. When I came down, I was thinking about doing everything in Beifu before leaving, but I didn’t expect them to go to war with me yesterday.”
At the moment, the Shen family had no choice but to do it if they didn’t do anything with Sally. , Many things can not be kept on a bright side.
The reason why Sally has been at the top for a long time is still clear. Even if Shen Tianyang wants to leave, it is not energy-efficient at all!
After figuring this out, Sally looked at Jiang Hao with a slight smile, and then she said: “What about you, decide when to start working hard. You must know that your enemy is very powerful.”
Jiang Hao heard this and said. The action of eating the apple stopped, and then sneered and said: “It’s okay, no matter how powerful it is, the things that should be done are not the same.”
Jiang Hao took a deep breath and got up. Walked to the balcony of Sally’s office, and then lay down along the chair to quietly bask in the sun.
Soon he would no longer be able to enjoy the daylight with Sally again, so Jiang Hao couldn’t help but say: “How long will you stay in Chujiang, and will you return to Beifu?”
Sally was leaning against the balcony with a cup of coffee in her hand. On the railing, she shook her head slightly when she heard the speech.
Although she is the heir of the thirteen subjects, many things cannot be messed up, she must have her own rules.
Sally gently stirred the coffee in the cup while she said: “I don’t know this yet, but if nothing happens, I’m afraid I won’t be back.” The expected answer, after all, Shen Tianyang will be a trouble sooner or later. Instead of just letting it go, it’s better to switch to a fuel-efficient lamp to illuminate a little more!
Thinking of the battle between Sally and Shen Tianyang, Jiang Hao suddenly couldn’t help laughing.
He had always thought that he would be targeted by others, but he didn’t expect things to be smooth.
Thinking of this, Jiang Hao sighed in a deep sigh. After all, he was stolen, otherwise the loss would definitely not be less than that of any family!
Sally took the telescope in her hand and looked at the scenery below the mountain, and then whispered: “Why do you want to go to Hedong with Ning Kun, maybe the people there are the people on your side.”
Jiang Hao shrugged. After shrugging his shoulders, he said helplessly: “The Shen family of Beifu and Shen Tianyang are in the same group, and I can’t find another Shen family right now. What do you want to do if I don’t go?”
After that, Jiang Hao deeply. He sighed and continued to speak: “But are you sure that the things in the hands of the Shen family in Hedong won’t be used on us?”
Sally looked at Jiang Hao’s timid appearance and laughed twice before shaking her head. Said: “Don’t worry, I will arrange things for you in Hedong. As for the affairs of the people in Beifu, please wait.” After saying this, Sally looked at Jiang Hao’s eyes with disappointment. , So she couldn’t help but she said: “Don’t look at me like that. If you’re anxious, I’ll just sit there as you told me.”
Sally chuckled slightly when she looked at Jiang Hao’s playful look. When people were happy, there was a sound of opening the door suddenly.
Have Jiang Hao and Sally turned around through the glass window? Later, I carefully imagined something was wrong. If there is no one, then what put the tranquilizer on? ”
Hearing this, Lao Hei finally confirmed that there was an invisible existence in the room, so he quickly asked, “Have you done anything here? ”
Sally shook his head after a moment of silence, Jiang Hao He wears a jacket, and my heart felt a little warm.
“You’d better leave this alone, I’ll ask you, what reason do you plan to use to approach the Shen family in Hedong? They are not as careless as the Shen family in Beifu.”
Jiang Hao shrugged and said, “It’s okay. I will naturally look for some information, and then choose the best contact method. By the way, how did they contact the people you picked out last time?”
“Just leave it alone, and I have There is a piece of information, you’d better remember it.”
After saying this, Sally frowned and said: “Hedong Shen family is a three-master, the boss Shen Feng business wizard, in charge of the family’s bright business.”
Jiang Hao Hearing this, he nodded and said: “What else?”
“The second child Shen Sihai is responsible for some business in the family secretly, and usually handles some unclean things, you know.”
Jiang Hao laughed after hearing this. Smiled and replied: “I know that the prosperity of a family can’t be so clean. Someone needs to make some small hands and feet behind their backs and use some dirty methods.”
Sally nodded and sighed deeply. After breathing, he continued: “The third child is also one of the most ghostly talents. On the surface, he seems to be a dude, but in fact no one knows what he is thinking.”
Jiang Hao looked at Sally with some confusion after hearing this . After a moment of contemplation, Jiang Hao said in a puzzled way: “Why can’t I understand what you said?”
Sally turned her head to look at Jiang Hao lying on the sun lounger and smiled: “Shen’s oldest name is Shen Zhiqiu. In order to commemorate the wife of Shen Qizhi, the owner of the Shen family in Hedong, you should be able to tell from this point that he is the most favored at home, right?”
Seeing Jiang Hao nodded, Sally continued to speak. “Generally speaking, the most favored people are often the most capable people, but this Shen Zhiqiu has never leaked since he was a child, and behaves mediocre everywhere.”
Jiang Hao was silent for a moment, then hesitated: “Maybe He was originally a man of average aptitude.”
However, he couldn’t help laughing as soon as he finished speaking. Although it was said to be a branch of the Shen family, how many people in the Shen family were not humans, males and ghosts?
Even Shen Qingshu had a reputation in Beifu before, and he was known as the first person of the young generation in Beifu.
Thinking of this, Jiang Hao couldn’t help being curious about this Shen Zhiqiu, so he looked at Sally and smiled: “Is there a photo of them? I want to see it, maybe I can find a breakthrough in this Shen Zhiqiu.”
Sally shook. Shaking his head, then walked back to the office and took out a bag of documents, then went to the balcony and threw the documents on Jiang Hao.
“This is some information about the Shen family in Hedong. It contains their personal hobbies and places they often go to, etc. You can recite them. After I went to Chujiang, you and Ning Kun are about to leave for Hedong.

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