Today, I Give Up Trying

Chapter: 761

The bone spurs against the artery!
If she moves randomly, then this leg of Shen Yumei is likely to be completely abolished.
Beads of sweat flowed from the doctor’s forehead, and he said in a trembling voice:
“But…but the bone spurs of the wounded are too sharp and scattered, I’m afraid that only the head of our hospital can get bones! ”
the look of the doctor and his words changed the expressions of everyone around him.
They can be sure at this moment that what Lin Fan said is absolutely true, otherwise the emergency doctor would not be so scared.
In an instant, everyone’s look at Lin Fan changed.
Baishan, Baiyi and his father and daughter were shocked.
They didn’t even know that Lin Fan actually knew medical skills, especially in just a few words, that scared the emergency doctor into this.
The two didn’t have time to think, and asked Lin Fan eagerly,
“Lin…Lin Fan! What should I do now? My mother has lost a lot of blood. If I invite Senior Gao to come over now, I am afraid that my mother will be in danger!”
“Xiao Fan, think of a way! You must think of a way!” At this moment, the father and daughter almost burst into tears.
And Lin Fan nodded, and a touch of determination flashed in his eyes:
“There is no other way, but…I’m coming!”
Only…I’m coming!
After hearing these words from Lin Fan, both the doctor and Bai Yi’s father and daughter were all dumbfounded.
“Little sir, you… don’t be kidding! Bone-setting is an extremely profound knowledge, especially your mother-in-law’s leg injury is very serious. The bones are broken and sharp, even if the senior is here, I’m afraid It’s hard to complete!”
The doctor panicked and persuaded:
“Once, you can’t pick it up! Then your mother-in-law is likely to end up with lifelong disability! Even piercing a large artery will be life-threatening!”
When the emergency doctor said this sentence, the expressions of the people next to him changed even more.
Permanently disabled! Danger to life!
These two words immediately scared Baishan’s father and daughter to death.
“Xiao Fan , you… don’t mess around! Why don’t you call Gao Lao!” “Lin Fan, don’t act rashly. I will call Gao Lao now and let his old man come over!”
Bai Yi and Bai Shan were completely affected by Lin. Fan’s behavior was terrified.
After all, the father and the daughter, but never knew that Lin Fan knew how to heal. Isn’t this nonsense?
However, Lin Fan shook his head:
“It’s too late! It takes half an hour to get here from the Yifan Chinese and Western Hospital. With the sharpness of this spike, it only takes three minutes. The aorta must be pierced, and it will be my mother’s. It is rescued, and this leg can’t be saved!”

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